R - Polymer Processing Glossary of Terms
Recovery - The injection unit building up (plasticizing) for a next shot.
Regrind - A thermoplastic from one process or cycle (scrap, runners, etc.) ground up to be used for a future molding cycle.
Resin - Any of a class of solid or semi-solid organic products of natural or synthetic origin. Most resins are polymers.
Runner - Channel in mold that connects sprue to gate.
Runnerless molds - Molds which are designed so that the runner is heated and stays molten. Runner is not ejected with part each shot.
Regrind - A thermoplastic from one process or cycle (scrap, runners, etc.) ground up to be used for a future molding cycle.
Resin - Any of a class of solid or semi-solid organic products of natural or synthetic origin. Most resins are polymers.
Runner - Channel in mold that connects sprue to gate.
Runnerless molds - Molds which are designed so that the runner is heated and stays molten. Runner is not ejected with part each shot.